Mutual Value Partnership Survey - Deloitte

Questions marked with a * are required
Your Name
Email Address
Please identify your campus or health center location
In which department do you work?
How often do you interact with the supplier?
Are there any upcoming RFx events or new projects where you are considering this supplier?
Please tell us more about the upcoming project.
How satisfied are you with the supplier's current performance? (leave blank if you do not interact with this supplier)
Please tell us why you ranked the supplier the way you did.
If you are satisfied with this supplier, feel free to give kudos or elaborate on their work and why it was successful. If you are unsatisfied, please provide examples of current and ongoing issues. 
How would you like your existing relationship with this supplier to change, if at all?
Does your department or function have any needs that could be funded through a partnership with this supplier?
List your specific needs that this supplier can provide.
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