
LinkedIn Learning Feedback

LinkedIn Learning is an additional professional development resource provided by UCOP to all employees. You've been identified as a user who's viewed at least one LinkedIn Learning video in the past year. Please note that UCOP does not track specific videos watched by staff. 

UCOP Learning & Development is looking for your feedback and insight on how staff is utilizing LinkedIn Learning to expand awareness and usage. All responses will remain anonymous unless you submit your contact information. Contact information will be used to reach out if there are any questions regarding recommended content and to be added to a LinkedIn Learning monthly email.

Please respond to this survey by June 30, 2022.

Thank you and happy learning!

Questions marked with a * are required
To what extend do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I find value in LinkedIn Learning as an additional professional development resource
I am able to dedicate at least one hour per month to professional development through LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning has training videos that I need for professional development
My manager places value in making time for professional development through LinkedIn Learning
I am aware of UCOP curated LinkedIn Learning Collections on UC Competencies and skills
LinkedIn Learning collections are helpful to finding content based on UC competencies and skills
I am aware of LinkedIn Learning monthly challenges
Do you have any comments on the statements above?
Which LinkedIn Learning classes have you taken that you would recommend? Please provide specific titles OR any highlights as they may be added to future collections. 
What do you find most useful about LinkedIn Learning?
How can UCOP Learning & Development support you in finding beneficial LinkedIn Learning classes?
What recommendations do you have for UCOP Learning & Development to increase awareness and usage of LinkedIn Learning across the organization? 
Do you have any additional comments or questions?
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